Stack: Eight Original Gold Bangles + A Delicate Diamond
Profession: Elementary school teacher
Location: Wisconsin
"I am thirty something wife, mom, daughter, and elementary teacher from Wisconsin with a love for all things timeless and chic. My mom and I started building our stacks last summer with some classic catch up packs to tell a story of a combined 43 years of marriage. Recently my husband gifted me a bangle with four delicate diamonds to represent our three daughters and our newest addition-a boy born this spring! We knew this would be our last, and I wanted a bangle that would have all my babies together. The yellow gold and diamonds compliment each other beautifully. My mom is planning on getting an engraved bangle with a Roman numeral to represent the number of her grandchildren. I’m looking forward to getting a classic bangle to commemorate our ninth wedding anniversary and a decade the following year!"